22 research outputs found

    Training of Crisis Mappers and Map Production from Multi-sensor Data: Vernazza Case Study (Cinque Terre National Park, Italy)

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    This aim of paper is to presents the development of a multidisciplinary project carried out by the cooperation between Politecnico di Torino and ITHACA (Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action). The goal of the project was the training in geospatial data acquiring and processing for students attending Architecture and Engineering Courses, in order to start up a team of "volunteer mappers". Indeed, the project is aimed to document the environmental and built heritage subject to disaster; the purpose is to improve the capabilities of the actors involved in the activities connected in geospatial data collection, integration and sharing. The proposed area for testing the training activities is the Cinque Terre National Park, registered in the World Heritage List since 1997. The area was affected by flood on the 25th of October 2011. According to other international experiences, the group is expected to be active after emergencies in order to upgrade maps, using data acquired by typical geomatic methods and techniques such as terrestrial and aerial Lidar, close-range and aerial photogrammetry, topographic and GNSS instruments etc.; or by non conventional systems and instruments such us UAV, mobile mapping etc. The ultimate goal is to implement a WebGIS platform to share all the data collected with local authorities and the Civil Protectio

    Deep water challenges: development of depositional models to support geohazard assessment for submarine facilities

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    Turbidity currents occur in many submarine settings, from shallow to deep water, and may transport large volumes of sediment over low angle (<0.01°) slopes, reaching speeds of ~20 m/s. These flows pose a serious risk to offshore seafloor oil and gas infrastructure. A great number of uncertainties exists in terms of their triggers, frequency and behaviour: most of the present understanding comes from outcrops studies, cores and flume tank experiments, but there are significant limitations related to scaling issues. Large and fast turbidity currents may break pipelines with catastrophic hydrocarbons losses into the marine environment, but also relatively dilute and low impact turbidity currents may generate scour around seafloor structures, causing structural or operational issues which can be technically challenging to remedy in ultra-deep water settings. A better understanding of potential impacts and consequences of turbidity currents is required to improve risk assessment and mitigation strategies. The ability to model properly the gravity flows, in order to evaluate the potential impacts against submarine facilities, represents a strong improvement in risk reduction within the exploration and production activities, as well as in facility engineering. Eni S.p.A. (Upstream & Technical Services) owns a developed in-house forward modelling software, through a customization of the partly open-source solver of the commercial software FLOW-3D®. The software is able to simulate hydrodynamics, geometry and internal characteristics of sediment gravity flows and related deposits (turbidites). The direct monitoring of real-world flows can provide new information about the hydrodynamics of turbidite flows but is restricted to few measurement points, while flume tank experiments are limited to reproduce small-scale very fine-grained sediment flows. Outcrop studies, on the other hand, are difficult, expensive and time-consuming. Given the limited state of knowledge, a step change in the understanding of turbidite flows behaviour can be obtained through the calibration of numerical models with data acquired from outcrop, direct monitoring and flume tank experiments. The thesis was focused on the simulation of sediment gravity flows and on the estimation of their possible impacts on submarine infrastructures, contributing to the development of a new module for geohazard assessment within the available proprietary software. The geohazard module will contribute to the construction of geological risk maps with the evaluation of the impact of potential gravity-driven flows on subsea structures (i.e. pipelines). The research work represents a collaboration among groups in Eni E&P Headquarters and Eni UK/OPU (i.e. Sedimentology, Engineering, R&D Units) and XC Engineering Srl., the service company which is developing the proprietary software. Consequently, the material diffused with this thesis elaboration took into account all the necessary confidentiality issues. The main aim of thesis was to investigate the dynamics of sediment gravity flows, both from sedimentological and engineering viewpoints; some important aspects related to the development of the geohazard module have been explored. A sensitivity analysis was performed: different scenarios were investigated to evaluate the potential magnitude of turbidity flows, varying and combining flow bulk volumes, flow concentrations (% of grain size populations in the flow) and sediment/water ratio. The results of simulations have illustrated both very catastrophic (rare but reliable) events and lower magnitude (more frequent) events, whose impact magnitude velocities are within ranges commonly used for engineering calculations (1 to 10 m/s, Bruschi et al., 2006). The thesis begins with an overview of the concept of turbidity currents and turbidites (Chapter 2), followed in Chapter 3 by a literature review about numerical modelling of turbidity currents, from first numerical approaches to more complex numerical models and computational fluid dynamics. A summary of the industry geohazard risk assessment framework for offshore oil and gas production facilities is reported in Chapter 4, describing the different stages of geohazard risk assessment process: system definition, geohazard identification, geohazard estimation, geohazard risk evaluation and geohazard risk management. The main impacts of turbidity currents on pipelines are outlined in Chapter 5, focusing on loads acting on a subsea pipeline and on vortex induced vibration (VIV) phenomenon. The development of the geohazard module, without specifications regarding software algorithms is discussed in Chapter 6. The main results of the numerical simulations with the application to a real case study are presented and discussed in Chapters 7 and 8, without specifications regarding strategic data for the company, followed by concluding remarks in Chapter 9. The thesis closes with a literature Reference list

    Water services risk related to flooding and landslides phenomena: the Vernazza case study (Cinque Terre National Park, Italy)

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    L'individuazione di una metodologia di valutazione del rischio per le infrastrutture idriche rappresenta un fondamentale tassello nelle complesse operazioni di pianificazione territoriale per la gestione delle emergenze soprattutto nelle fasi immediatamente successive all'evento calamitoso. Lo scopo del lavoro presentato consiste nell'individuazione dei principali parametri di quantificazione del rischio idrogeologico connesso a dissesti gravitativi e fenomeni di inondazione cui sono potenzialmente soggetti i punti di approvvigionamento e le reti idriche, la rete fognaria e gli impianti di depurazione. Nello sviluppo del lavoro si è preso in considerazione il sito pilota di Vernazza nel Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre in Liguria, colpito gravemente dall'alluvione del 25 ottobre 201

    Potentiality of the low-enthalpy open-loop groundwater heat pumps (GWHP) diffusion in the Piemonte Region (NW Italy)

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    Groundwater heat pumps have potential advantages in terms of energy efficiency and environmental impact. The diffusion of such technology in the urban areas potentially represents one important task for the European development in the renewable energy. The Groundwater Heat Pump (GWHP) system is an open-loop system that withdraws water from a well or surface water, passes it through a heat exchanger and discharges the water into an injection well or nearby river. Depending on the use mode (heating or cooling), energy may be extracted or injected. As an efficient use of natural energy, this system utilizing the relatively stable temperature of groundwater can achieve a higher coefficient of performance and offers a more energy saving solution than the conventional Air-Source Heat Pump (ASHP) system. This study is aimed to highlight the hydrogeological potential for the Piemonte regional territory to supply clean energy by the diffusion of GWHPs and therefore contribute to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions starting from the regional analysis of (1) the hydrogeological plain setting and (2) the spatial distribution and temporal variability of the shallow groundwater temperature. Focusing on the GWHP, the groundwater temperatures trend and the productivity characteristics of the shallow aquifers in the alluvial plain of the Piemonte region were examined. The distribution of mean groundwater temperatures ranged from a minimum of 10.3°C to a maximum of 17.0°C with a mean of 14.0°C. Differences among diverse areas were slight according with the modest variations in the general climatic condition. Air-temperature influence (seasonal variability) seemed strictly connected to the depth to groundwater in the measure point and it was negligible when the value was over 9.5 m. The vertical separation between the unconfined and deeper confined aquifers varies from a few meters to several tens of meters depending on local hydrogeological conditions. Deep, high-quality groundwater bodies are legally preserved for human consumption. To avoid potential alteration of the deeper aquifer, they should not be intersected by the wells to be used to operate the GWHP plant. Moreover, GWHP could be used only with shallow groundwater. Environmental conditions and the widespread distribution of a suitable shallow aquifer in the entire Piemonte plain encourage the use of GWHPs. Energy demand is concentrated in the urban and industrial areas, which are located preferentially in the plain where low-enthalpy geothermal energy associated with the shallow aquifer is ready available. Future diffusion of GWHP could be favoured by the great number of existing groundwater wells used for various purposes throughout the region that could limit additional installation costs especially for small buildings. At the end of 2012 more than 55 GWHP plants were requested to be authorized or are under construction in the whole Piemonte region plai

    Relationship between Deep-Seated Gravitational Slope Deformations (DSGSD) and mountain springs in NW Alps (Italy)

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    DSGSDs and "sackung" deformations are complex processes of gravitational movement that involve large volumes of rock, often several tens of meters thick and several kilometers long. DSGSDs are extremely slow moving, (0.4-5.0 mm/y) and produce distinctive morphological elements on the slope. These morphological features, including doubled ridges, ridgetop depressions, scarps and counterscarps, linear trenches, open tension cracks and ridge-crest grabens, indicate the presence of a DSGSD, particularly when observed in combination. The presence of a DSGSD and the correlated open cracks affecting also the rock crystalline bedrock can strongly influence the instability phenomena in the overlaying detritus cover, the hydrographic network development, the infiltration dynamics and the groundwater circulation. In this context the spring location and their hydrodynamic regimes could provide additional information in order to understand the DSGSDs characteristics and evolution. The authors examined the Rodoretto Valley, the west tributary of the Germanasca Valley, located in the Italian Western Alps. The site is located in the Penninic Domain along the North-South tectonic thrust between the Dora Maira Massif (DM) which outcrops on the valley's east side, and the Greenstone and Schist Complex (GS), visible on its west side. The study area is interested by two DSGSD, developed on eastern and western valley side respectively. The gravitational features often dislocate some glacial esaration forms (roches moutonnées). Several transversal trenches are also present, forming locally small closed depressions or counterscarps. The numerous minor scarps are delineated by the broken plane-view profiles of the watercourses. Some spring occur along the longitudinal trenches and give rise to small streams, demonstrating that the pattern of the hydrographic network is affected by the gravitational features. The two DSGSDs present different deforming characteristics which influence the springs location. In particular the western DSGSD highlights several springs, mostly located on the contacts between the crystalline bedrock and the overlaying quaternary glacial deposits which probably represent their supplying aquifers. Instead on the eastern side of the valley there is a lack of perennial sprin

    Relationship between Deep-Seated Gravitational Slope Deformations (DSGSD) and mountain springs in NW Alps (Italy)

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    DSGSDs and “sackung” deformations are complex processes of gravitational movement that involve large volumes of rock, often several tens of meters thick and several kilometers long. DSGSDs are extremely slow moving, (0.4-5.0 mm/y) and produce distinctive morphological elements on the slope. These morphological features, including doubled ridges, ridgetop depressions, scarps and counterscarps, linear trenches, open tension cracks and ridge-crest grabens, indicate the presence of a DSGSD, particularly when observed in combination. The presence of a DSGSD and the correlated open cracks affecting also the rock crystalline bedrock can strongly influence the instability phenomena in the overlaying detritus cover, the hydrographic network development, the infiltration dynamics and the groundwater circulation. In this context the spring location and their hydrodynamic regimes could provide additional information in order to understand the DSGSDs characteristics and evolution. The authors examined the Rodoretto Valley, the west tributary of the Germanasca Valley, located in the Italian Western Alps. The site is located in the Penninic Domain along the North-South tectonic thrust between the Dora Maira Massif (DM) which outcrops on the valley's east side, and the Greenstone and Schist Complex (GS), visible on its west side. The study area is interested by two DSGSD, developed on eastern and western valley side respectively. The gravitational features often dislocate some glacial esaration forms (roches moutonnées). Several transversal trenches are also present, forming locally small closed depressions or counterscarps. The numerous minor scarps are delineated by the broken plane-view profiles of the watercourses. Some spring occur along the longitudinal trenches and give rise to small streams, demonstrating that the pattern of the hydrographic network is affected by the gravitational features. The two DSGSDs present different deforming characteristics which influence the springs location. In particular the western DSGSD highlights several springs, mostly located on the contacts between the crystalline bedrock and the overlaying quaternary glacial deposits which probably represent their supplying aquifers. Instead on the eastern side of the valley there is a lack of perennial spring

    Groundwater Heat Pumps (GWHP) system modeling: prediction reliability and space smoothing of the Thermal Affected Zone (TAZ)

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    La crescente diffusione sul territorio di pianura della tecnologia delle pompe di calore ad acqua di falda per la climatizzazione degli edifici potrebbe potenzialmente provocare, anche nel breve termine, un significativo impatto ambientale connesso all'interferenza termica con le acque sotterranee. Lo scarico di acque a temperature differenti rispetto a quelle naturali (più calde in estate e più fredde in inverno) pone alcuni problemi potenziali relativamente alla funzionalità di molte situazioni di utilizzo preesistente delle acque sotterrane (pozzi idropotabili, agricoli, industriali, ecc.) Inoltre potrebbero verificarsi casi di interferenze tra impianti, soprattutto nei territori più densamente urbanizzati. Lo studio prende in considerazione un caso reale con un impianto già installato e operativo presso il Politecnico di Torino (Nord-ovest Piemonte). L'impianto è composto da un pozzo di prelievo P2 e un pozzo di immissione P4 nell'acquifero non confinato superficiale aventi le stesse caratteristiche tecniche di completamento. Sono state condotte simulazioni numeriche con il codice Feflow, relative a varie condizioni di funzionamento ipotizzando sia un ciclo invernale che un ciclo estivo e considerando un periodo di funzionamento di 3 anni per valutare lo sviluppo della plume termica nell'intorno del pozzo di immissione. I primi risultati dello studio evidenziano che la plume termica nei diversi scenari di funzionamento sia estivi che invernali si propaga nello spazio nella direzione di flusso attenuandosi gradualmente allontanandosi dal pozzo di immissione

    Rough evaluation of the water-inflow discharge in abandoned mining tunnels using a simplified water balance model: the case of the Cogne iron mine (Aosta Valley, NW Italy)

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    One of the most complex hydrogeological problems in the design and maintenance of drainage systems in abandoned mining sites is quantifying the maximum water infiltration and, therefore, the amount that is potentially drainable by the tunnels. This problem is compounded when water-inflow data are limited or lacking. The aim of the study was to present a single but reliable model for making this evaluation; this model was applied to the case history of the abandoned Cogne iron ore mining complex (Western Alps, Aosta Valley Region, NW Italy). The study focused on quantifying the amount of water infiltrating into the mine drifts, using a water balance model in a Geographic Information System (GIS) environment. In the model, five different infiltration scenarios were calculated, including a detailed analysis of rainfall data, snow density and thickness (Snow Water Equivalent calculation), and melting periods. The maximum water discharge that could affect the mine tunnels was, therefore, determined under several scenarios of normal precipitation conditions and during heavy rainfall, including the case of the Cogne valley flood in October 2000, used as a reference for the limit conditions. Taking into account the various approximations considered, the results can be considered a good indication of the magnitude of the total amount of water that should be drained out through abandoned mine drifts and in the drainage network during implementation of final closure of the min